Tuesday, January 18, 2011

God of small things...

The other day , I took a taxi back home from work. Abhilash was at home with fever and I wanted to rush and get home on time. It was already dark even at 5.30pm.
It was when I was in the cab I realised I may not have enough cash. Looked into my purse found two notes of 20 RMB, a 5 RMB note and I mentally calculated I'd have a couple
of small change crumpled in one of the pockets in my handbag.
I could have stopped at the ATM a little away from our complex as last resort,but then I'd have to walk back home in the cold. I was hoping we wouldn't get stuck in traffic coz the meter keeps running even when you're stuck!
I was about 200 m away from home and I told the driver to stop at the side wondering if I'd have enough money to pay him.
The meter was at 51 RMB. As I was counting my change, the guy said 50RMB would do- and that's exactly how much I had!
If the meter's 51RMB- it'd mean I had to pay him 52RMB. (with the hike in gasoline prices the rule is you need to pay an extra kuai for each ride that exceeds 3kms)
Wow! My prayers were answered. I paid him off and gave him one of my best smiles and got out thinking our God is definitely a God of small things!

It's a new year. Time for new beginnings. Time to look at the last year and thank God for small mercies.
We often remember him when we need him the most- when we're alone or scared or sick.

Being so far away from loved ones can be hard. It's been two years for us now , here in Beijing.
When we first thought of moving, we told everyone it'd be for two years. Time flies fast!

We've really been blessed - not "lucky" but blessed.

When good things happen to you, you never realise it can be a blessing. We just keep asking for more all the time, forgetting to thank.

Wishing you all a blessed 2011 !


  1. Touched by this post. Now that I look back, I have so many such small incidents in my life... but have I credited God with his due each time? I am not sure. Much Love ~ Jency
