Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dragon Boat Festival

The past week has been so gloomy. It's been raining continuously and has been so grey and cloudy.

All of a sudden yesterday evening, the clouds made way for the sun and we could witness a beautiful sunset and a very rare sight of a rainbow!

 This Wednesday, June 12th, we celebrate the DuanWuJie , also known as the Dragon Boat Festival. People celebrate by eating "Zongzi"  (Glutinous rice stuffed with meat or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaf ) and watching the Dragon boat race held at various parks like Houhai.

Most Chinese companies worked over the weekend and get Monday Tuesday Wednesday off,  we're off only on Wednesday as we don't work on weekends. So a mid - week break is something we are looking forward to.

Duan Wu Jie Kuai Le!

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