Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring time Qing Ming holiday

Qing Ming festival is a traditional holiday to observe respect for their dead ancestors .Most families offer food, paper money and burn incense at the tomb of any family member who died. This year might be very sensitive for the Chinese people as they are still mourning the loss of their citizens on MH370.
Let's hope and pray that they have the strength to go through this time, and that time will be a healer.

We all live on hope. Hope of something to happen for the better...

Spring is nature's way of giving us hope. Exuberance of new life after a long wait of everything being so grey and dormant.

There are so many things to look forward to in Spring...Easter, the blue skies and of course the blossoms blooming in every color all around. It's such a pleasant sight to see some color everywhere after the grey gloomy winter. Pictures do not do justice to the beauty of nature. 
Last weekend we enjoyed some lovely sunshine and made the most of it by being outdoors. Sharing a few pictures.

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