Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Moving out of Beijing ...and the transition to Bangalore.

Though we were prepared that we were to move out of Beijing, it is always hard to say bye to a place you made your home for such a long time.
Apart from the things you need to do during your move , there are also  the people and friends you have  to say goodbye to...

We were being transferred within the same company , which meant all the formalities were taken care of by the company. What one would need to know is how long it would take to get reimbursements of the  pension , tax etc  from China. (It can take up to 4 months) Remember to make arrangements to get this amount transferred to a bank account to where you are moving. You may also need to manage taxes in the local country. 

As for our house which we had rented here in Beijing, we first informed the agent as well as our owner. We were breaking the contract which meant we would have to forego the one month deposit money. 

Our packing was done by a Movers and Packers company who came home and packed up all our stuff and whatever we had collected over the years in a few hours. Ofcourse, before we decided what we were taking back we had to go through the tedious job of deciding what to give away and what to dispose off. We gave most of the toys, children's clothes and books to the Roundabout Charity. 

Then came the hardest part, telling our loved ones goodbye. Our Ayi , our Shifu, little Abraham's School friends and teachers, and our friends who were family. Our little  didn't understand much and  wondered why everyone was saying goodbye. In his few words told us he didn't want to say goodbye. We hugged , shed a few tears and finally said goodbye.

Coming in to Bangalore should not have been hard for us because we were here before we moved to Beijing. Unfortunately it wasn't so. We had our friends and family here too, but everything was like starting anew. We had to now get used to the Indian chaos and way of doing things. 
We are not complaining yet, but I guess it will take some time to settle down.

Though our son is only three, he kept talking about going back to his "Number 29 home", he didn't like his new school and got angry when noone could understand him because he was speaking Chinese.

Now after four months we've finally got in to a routine. Though we look forward to our new life here, we will always cherish the adventure and fun we had in China. It will always be our home and we hope we can visit sooner than later. 

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