Thursday, November 3, 2011

TCM and balancing the Yin and Yang

The weather over the past few days have been terrible! In the papers, on the news, all you can read or see is about the pollution levels in the Jing. We've had smoggy days for over a week with less than a km of visibility. I think the year we came in which was the year after the Olympics was when we enjoyed Beijing weather the most. Now with winter setting in, shorter days, lousy can't help but feel grey!

Recently,we went  to a Chinese spa for a massage, asAbhilash was complaining of shoulder and backache. The lady there suggested he does Huo guan (literally means "fire cupping"). She said it would be good for him and it'd help in blood circulation and would give him relief from pain . Abhilash agreed to go through the experience.
She took a small cup, lit a small ball of cotton dipped in alocohol , lit it with fire , put it in the cup and then put it on his back. Though it sounds and looks painful, Abhilash said he didn't feel a thing. The air inside the cup when heated and then applied to the skin forms an airtight seal, as the air cools it forms a vaccum which enables the cup to suck in the skin. After a few minutes, she removed the cups and analysed the clots on his back.
She said the more purple it is - the more "impure" that portion of your body is.
Abhi and the Huo guans

We usually were quite apprehensive on trying traditional chinese medicines when given a choice over our regular western medicines.
Last year when i had severe throat ache, a colleage recommended watermelon spray. I tried it and though bitter, it did give me some relief.

There is a very useful blog by a Western Doctor in Beijing. Check out his post on tried and tested Traditional Chinese Medicines.

It's when the weather is changing , that we are most likely to fall sick...
The Chinese believe it's always good to balance the Yin and Yang, balancing the good and the bad in everything. Precautions are always better than cure, so whatever your choice of medicines may be...
stay warm and take care. More soon! :-)

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