Friday, May 10, 2013

Just another day in the Jing...

Once we had our baby , we are always be the center of attention wherever we are. We enjoy it quite a bit...especially when we get free desserts at restaurants or people make way for us and let us get ahead of a queue.

Then you have those days, when everybody wants to come and touch your baby, and then try and make a friendly conversation .We do get away once in a while by pretending we don't speak Chinese and just get away with a smile...
...And sometimes you're just stunned by some reactions or comments by the people around.

We've always thought of the Chinese as very friendly and helpful people , but today something odd happened.
I take my baby for a walk outside everyday, now that summer's here.
While  waiting at the apartment lobby for the lift, we met an old lady with a young girl. Not sure if the old lady was her grandmother or her nanny. She tells the little girl to look at my baby and see how big his eyes are ( I think most of us foreigners get that) and then goes on to say " Ta bai bu bai?" Which translates to Is he white (fair) or not?

I just gave her a surprised look and moved away from there...I didn't know what to say.
How do you react to something like that? I wanted to laugh but was angry at the same time.

I guess it's just another day in the Jing... ;-)

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