Monday, April 20, 2015

Spring's Arrival in Beijing...

This Spring we had sandstorms, rain, smog and some beautiful blue sky sunny days.
It's the blue sky , colorful blossoms and the warm sun that makes all the other dull days bearable.
It's our seventh spring in Beijing, but every year how many ever pictures we take of the blossoms it is never enough.. and the pictures can never do justice to capture the true beauty. Nevertheless sharing a few pictures taken on my phone.

One more thing checked off Beijing's checklist... Singing at a karaoke. Never thought i'd get down to doing it but a bunch of colleagues insisted , so joined them and it was a lot of fun. It is one of the most popular fun activities in South east Asian countries and is also called "KTV".  You'll get a private room, which has padded walls, neon lights and also microphones and a screen which shows the sing along lyrics for the song of your choice.

A karaoke room at a popular KTV in Wangjing

Hoping the summer will be nice this year. More soon!

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